3 min read

The Midnight Project #105

The Midnight Project #105

Happy Wednesday morning! I’m thrilled to bring you another episode of The Midnight Project. This week is packed with tracks to power you through your day, whether working out, driving or just soaking in the vibes.

This Week's Episode

The Midnight Project by Sebastiaan Hooft
Discover fresh techno with The Midnight Project. Weekly new releases, energizing workout mixes, and exclusive underground tracks await you.

Episode #105 starts with Adam Beyer’s “Pilot,” which sets the stage for an unforgettable journey. Adam’s mastery in creating immersive techno shines through. We dive into Victor Ruiz’s remix of Liquid Soul’s “Crazy People.” Victor, known for transforming tracks into techno anthems, doesn’t disappoint. For the full tracklist, head over to 1001 Tracklists.

Upcoming Tracks

2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year! I’m thrilled that three new releases are lined up on Horatio's Shodan Records. These tracks represent a significant evolution in my sound, and I can’t wait for you to hear them. For a preview, listen to my remix for Stagira here or download it here. Stay tuned for more details and sneak peeks at the coming shows.

Listen to my remix for Stagira here or download it here

Health Tip from "Redesign"

Learn how to play harder, breathe easier, and live better without losing any results you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

This week’s tip from my book "Redesign" concerns maintaining a balanced lifestyle, especially in high-energy and demanding environments. Achieving balance isn’t just about managing time effectively; it's also about making conscious choices that prioritize your well-being. Start by incorporating short, regular breaks into your routine. These pauses can help reset your focus and reduce stress levels.

Additionally, Midnighters should pay extra attention to sleep patterns. Quality sleep is foundational to physical health and mental clarity. Establish a regular sleep schedule that includes at least seven to eight hours of rest each day.

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of a healthy diet and regular physical activity. Opt for nutritious foods that fuel your body and engage in exercises you enjoy. These practices boost your energy and enhance your mood and overall productivity. Remember, a balanced life is a fulfilling life.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

For those looking to dive deeper into personal growth and entrepreneurship, I highly recommend “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. It’s a transformative book that offers practical advice on building good habits and breaking bad ones. Buy it on Amazon.

Thank you for being such a vital part of The Midnight Project community. Your feedback and enthusiasm keep the energy alive. Don’t forget to share your favorite tracks from this week’s episode, and let me know which artists you’d like to see featured next.

Stay energized and keep the beats alive.

Sebastiaan Hooft

PS. Full tracklist and players at 1001 Tracklists